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Almost Friday!

April 2016

This series of magazine articles describes show produced within a TV Magzine and Talkshow that I was a part of Semester 2 during my second year at Birmingham City University.

The show, Almost Friday was a live broadcast after weeks of planning and preparation. I created these articles as part of a cross-media piece for an assessment. 

My cross media piece consists of several magazine pages, including one front cover. The cover and articles cover a variety of writing styles and images, all based around my ‘TV Magazine and Talk shows’ module in which we created the show Almost Friday. The purpose of the show was to entertain a younger audience through fun and interactive means, which I think we definitely did.


Here you will find three articles (one of which is a double page spread) around the show, including interviews, introduciton of the presenters, and a front cover.



This magazine was an interesting one for me. Being something that I have no interest in, it was exciting to see how my design skills would change to cater to a different audience to one that I am a part of.

Having done this, I feel that my magazine turned out well, and my skills with the software were vastly improved because of my need to provide for a male, bearded audience. The layout, designs and colour schemes were those I had not had much experience with before, and designing such a different magazine to what I believed to be in my comfort zone was so fun!

Magazine Production

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